Applied Jungian psychology

How did Jung use dreams, active imagination, myths and fairy tales in his work?

The psychological theory of C.G. Jung is both complex and elegant, and speaks to the psychological challenges posed by modernity. Understanding Jung’s theory is important, but what then? How does one apply Jung’s theory in order to better integrate conscious and unconscious? This course will introduce you to the key methods and techniques that Jung and other Jungians have employed in order to apply Jung’s theory to practical life challenges. Through eight the eight college-level modules Dr. James Newell will guide you step-by-step through the essential methods used in the application of Jungian theory to the psychological challenges posed by contemporary life.
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Your Instructor

  • James R. Newell, Ph.D.

    Senior Instructor

    James R. Newell, Ph.D.

    James Newell is an educator, counselor, personal coach, professional musician, and the director of the Depth Psychology Alliance. James earned his master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling and Theology from Vanderbilt University Divinity School, with a focus on Jungian psychology. He earned his doctorate in History of Religions from the Vanderbilt University Graduate School of Religion. James has taught online and face to face courses for Central Michigan University, Western Kentucky University, Excelsior College, Thomas Edison State University, and other institutions.

What others are saying...

Bonnie Bright, PhD, founder of the Depth Psychology Alliance

Dr. James Newell is a gifted teacher

Bonnie Bright, PhD, founder of the Depth Psychology Alliance

Dr. James Newell is a gifted teacher and scholar who has effectively organized an impressive amount of detailed research and information into a series of powerful classes and courses on Jung and Jung’s psychology, now available on Depth Psychology Academy. Students at all levels can gain a depth of understanding about how Jung’s ideas can change our lives and our world as Dr. Newell explains each topic very clearly and at exactly the right pace for students of all levels to take it in.
Ann Amberg, MCS, Transpersonal Leadership Consultant

Applied Jungian Psychology is the course that inspired me to take the leap and enroll in my PhD degree program

Ann Amberg, MCS, Transpersonal Leadership Consultant

Of all the courses I have taken with James Newell, Jung 102: Applied Jungian Psychology is the course that inspired me to take the leap and enroll in my PhD degree program in Jungian and Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute. All of James’ courses are excellent, and I am truly grateful for the depth and quality of the soul connection I experienced as a student in his classes.
Nirlap Bettenhauser, student

The courses I have taken with Dr. Newell have perfectly prepped me for my graduate studies in psychoanalysis

Nirlap Bettenhauser, student

This is an outstanding educational program where one can learn multiple areas of Jungian Psychology. These courses are very well structured with an appropriate course load and high quality texts. Plus the price is incredibly reasonable. The courses I have taken with Dr. Newell have been intellectually engaging and have perfectly prepped me for my graduate studies in psychoanalysis. Not something I expected to receive from the academy, but very grateful I did.
Monica Flores, Ed.D

Dr. James Newell is highly knowledgeable in Jungian Psychology

Monica Flores, Ed.D

Dr. James Newell is highly knowledgeable in Jungian Psychology. I learned so much from him about Jung and Jungian psychology when I began taking courses in Depth Psychology from the Depth Psychology Alliance online courses. Dr. Newell is open-minded and consistent. He has a smooth voice that can hold anyone’s attention. I recommend taking these courses through the Depth Psychology Academy.

Jung 102 will introduce you to a series of methods employed by Jung himself when working with his own clients

There is no easier way to learn the process of applying Jungian psychology to practical concerns than the step-by-step guidance you will receive in this course

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Course curriculum

  • 2
    Module 1: Sacred Space - Symbols, Patterns, and Amplification
    • M1/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M1/2: Video Lesson: Sacred Space - Symbols, Patterns, and Amplification
    • M1/3: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M1/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 1 in the textbook)
    • M1/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M1/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M1/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M1/8: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M1/9: Additional, Optional Video Resource: Erel Shalit on Amplification
  • 3
    Module 2: Dream Work
    • M2/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M2/2: Video Lesson: Dream Work
    • M2/3: Video Quiz
    • M2/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on the assigned readings, p. 43-50 in the textbook)
    • M2/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M2/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M2/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M2/8: Additional, Optional Video on Jungian dream theory
  • 4
    Module 3: Active Imagination
    • M3/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M3/2: Video Lesson: Active Imagination
    • M3/3: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M3/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 3 in the textbook)
    • M3/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources.
    • M3/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M3/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M3/8: Additional, Optional Video Resource: Murray Stein on Active Imagination
  • 5
    Module 4: Mythology
    • M4/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M4/2: Video Lesson: Mythology
    • M4/3: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M4/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 4 in the textbook)
    • M4/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M4/6: A Resource for Study
    • M4/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
  • 6
    Module 5: Fairy Tales
    • M5/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M5/2: Video Lesson: Fairy Tales
    • M5/3: Required Reading for Module 5
    • M5/4: Module 5 Video Quiz
    • M5/5: Module 5 Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on the assigned reading for module 5).
    • M5/6: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M5/7: Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M5/8: Additional, Optional Video Resource: Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales. A lecture by folklorist Jack Zipes
  • 7
    Module 6: Alchemy
    • M6/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M6/2: Video Lesson: Alchemy
    • M6/3: Required Reading for Module 6
    • M6/4: Module 6 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M6/5: Module 6 Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on the assigned readings for module 6).
    • M6/6: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M6/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M6/8: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M6/9: Additional, Optional Video on Alchemy
    • M6/10: Additional, Optional Video on Alchemy
  • 8
    Module 7: Understanding Culture Through a Jungian Lens
    • M7/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M7/2: Video Lesson: Understanding Culture Through a Jungian Lens
    • M7/3: Required Reading for Module 7
    • M7/4: Module 7 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M7/5: Module 7 Readings Quiz (All questions are based on the assigned readings for module 7).
    • M7/6: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M7/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M7/8: Additional, Optional Video Resource: The Cultural Complex.
  • 9
    Module 8: Ancestry, Spiritual Practice, and Ritual Eldership
    • M8/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M8/2: Video Lesson: Ancestry, Spiritual Practice, and Ritual Eldership
    • M8/3: Module 8 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M8/4: Module 8 Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 8 in the textbook)
    • M8/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources.
    • M8/6: Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M8/7: Additional, Optional Video Resource: Edward Edinger on "Encounters with the Greater Personality"

Learning how to amplify and interpret symbols is the key to applied Jungian psychology

You can begin now to broaden your understanding of how Jung amplified and interpreted the symbols emerging from the unconscious

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