Learn how Carl Jung understood the role of the divine feminine in individuals and in culture

“I would say the goddess energy is trying to save us. If we go on with our power tactics, we're going to destroy the earth. That's why we haven't got a long time to evolve. We're either going to make a leap in consciousness or we aren't going to be here. Sophia, Shakti, by whatever name we call her, is that wisdom deep down in all matter, pushing her way into consciousness, one way or another." ~ Marion Woodman

In this course we’ll look at how classical Jungian psychology understands the importance of the divine, or archetypal feminine in the context of individual as well as cultural development. Through his appreciation of myth, folk tales, and non-rational way of discovering meaning, Jung was able to recognize the value of ways of understanding the world that have largely been displaced by the values of contemporary patriarchal culture. We will explore Jung’s psychological theory, and why mythical expressions of the divine feminine have such an important role to play for the individual and cultural development of both men and women in the modern world.
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Your instructor for this course:

  • James R. Newell, Ph.D.

    Senior Instructor

    James R. Newell, Ph.D.

    James Newell is an educator, counselor, personal coach, professional musician, and the director of the Depth Psychology Alliance. James earned his master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling and Theology from Vanderbilt University Divinity School, with a focus on Jungian psychology. He earned his doctorate in History of Religions from the Vanderbilt University Graduate School of Religion. James has taught online and face to face courses for Central Michigan University, Western Kentucky University, Excelsior College, Thomas Edison State University, and other institutions.

What others are saying...

Bonnie Bright, PhD, founder of the Depth Psychology Alliance

Dr. James Newell is a gifted teacher

Bonnie Bright, PhD, founder of the Depth Psychology Alliance

Dr. James Newell is a gifted teacher and scholar who has effectively organized an impressive amount of detailed research and information into a series of powerful classes and courses on Jung and Jung’s psychology, now available on Depth Psychology Academy. Students at all levels can gain a depth of understanding about how Jung’s ideas can change our lives and our world as Dr. Newell explains each topic very clearly and at exactly the right pace for students of all levels to take it in.
Monica Flores, Ed.D

Dr. James Newell is highly knowledgeable in Jungian Psychology

Monica Flores, Ed.D

Dr. James Newell is highly knowledgeable in Jungian Psychology. I learned so much from him about Jung and Jungian psychology when I began taking courses in depth psychology from the Depth Psychology Alliance online courses. Dr. Newell is open-minded and consistent. He has a smooth voice that can hold anyone’s attention. I enthusiastically recommend taking these courses through the Depth Psychology Academy.
Ann Amberg, MCS, Transpersonal Leadership Consultant

James is a knowledgeable and caring instructor with an engaging teaching style

Ann Amberg, MCS, Transpersonal Leadership Consultant

I highly recommend Dr. James Newell’s courses. Upon completion of my certificate in Depth Psychology I had gained the confidence, focus and knowledge to support my success in my current PhD program in Jungian and Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute. James is a knowledgeable and caring instructor with an engaging teaching style. All of the Depth Psychology Alliance courses I took: Introduction to Jungian Psychology, Active Imagination, Fairy Tales, Dreams, and many more, were phenomenal and I am most grateful for the opportunity to study with James.
Nirlap Bettenhauser, student

The courses I have taken with Dr. Newell have perfectly prepped me for my graduate studies in psychoanalysis

Nirlap Bettenhauser, student

This is an outstanding educational program where one can learn multiple areas of Jungian Psychology. These courses are very well structured with an appropriate course load and high quality texts. Plus the price is incredibly reasonable. The courses I have taken with Dr. Newell have been intellectually engaging and have perfectly prepped me for my graduate studies in psychoanalysis. Not something I expected to receive from the academy, but very grateful I did.

Learn college-level material at a fraction of the cost!

Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of the theories of Carl Jung and his approach to the Divine Feminine. Anyone who is interested in understanding the myths of the Divine Feminine from a Jungian perspective will benefit from this course. Each module explores a different aspect of how modern people are in need of re-conecting with the principles of archetypal femininity. Additionally, a wealth of resources for further study will be available in each module. Those participants who successfully complete the assignments in the online learning platform will receive a certificate of completion.

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Course curriculum

  • 2
    Module 1: The Feminine in Jung’s Psychology
    • M1/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M1/2: Course Syllabus
    • M1/3: Module One Class: The Feminine in Jung's Psychology
    • M1/4: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M1/5: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on the assigned readings, Chapters 1 & 2 in the textbook)
    • M1/6: Module Assignments and Additional Resources
    • M1/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M1/8: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M1/9: Additional, Optional Video Resource on the Anima and Animus
  • 3
    Module 2: The Feminine as Archetype
    • M2/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M2/2: Video Lesson: The Feminine as Archetype
    • M2/3: Video Quiz
    • M2/4: Readings Quiz - All questions are based on the assigned readings in the textbook (chp. 3 & 4 in the 1935 edition; or chp. 5 & 7 in the Shambhala edition).
    • M2/5: Module Assignments and Additional Resources
    • M2/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M2/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M3/8: Additional, Optional Video Resource
  • 4
    Module 3: The Feminine as Inner Image
    • M3/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M3/2: Video Lesson: The Feminine as Inner Image
    • M3/3: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M3/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapters 5 & 6 in the 1935 digital edition; or chapters 8 & 12 in the Shambhala edition).
    • M3/5: Module Assignments and Additional Resources
    • M3/6 An Additional, Optional Resource for Study.
    • M3/7 An Additional, Optional Resource for Study.
    • M3/8 Additional, Optional Resources for Study.
    • M3/9: Additional, Optional Video Resource: Jean Shinoda Bolen
  • 5
    Module 4: Feminine Rage: The Feminine Warrior
    • M4/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M4/2: Video Lesson: Feminine Rage
    • M4/3: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M4/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapters 7 & 8 in the 1935 digital edition; or chapters 13 & 10 in the Shambhala edition of the course textbook).
    • M4/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M4/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M4/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M4/8: Additional, Optional Video Resource: The Myth of the Amazons
    • M4/9: Additional, Optional Video Resource: The Myth of the Goddess Athena
  • 6
    Module 5: The Divine Feminine as Transformative Goddess: The Feminine Magician
    • M5/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M5/2 Module 5: The Transformative Goddess: The Magician
    • M5/3: Module 5 Video Quiz
    • M5/4: Module 5 Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on the assigned reading for module 5 - chapters 9 & 10 in the 1935 digital edition; or chapters 4 & 16 in the Shambhala edition)
    • M5/6: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M5/7: Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M5/8: Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M5/9: Additional, Optional Video Resource
    • M5/10: Additional, Optional Video Resource
  • 7
    Module 6: The Divine Feminine and the Sacred Marriage: The Feminine Lover
    • M6/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M6/2: Video Lesson - Module 6: The Divine Feminine and the Sacred Marriage
    • M6/3: Module 6 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M6/4: Module 6 Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on the assigned readings for module 6, chapters 11 & 12 in the 1935 digital edition; or chapters 3 & 6 in the Shambhala edition)
    • M6/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M6/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M6/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M6/8 An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M6/9: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • 6/10: Additional, Optional Video Resource
  • 8
    Module 7: The Divine Feminine in Christianity and Myth: The Feminine Queen
    • M7/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M7/2: Module 7: The Divine Feminine in Christianity and Myth
    • M7/3: Module 7 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M7/4: Module 7 Readings Quiz (All questions are based on the assigned readings for module 7, chapters 13 & 14 in the 1935 digital edition; or chapters 9 & 14 in the Shambhala edition).
    • M7/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M7/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M7/7: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M7/8: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M7/9: Additional, Optional Video Resource
  • 9
    Module 8: The Divine Feminine in Contemporary Culture
    • M8/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M8/2: Video Lesson: The Divine Feminine in Culture
    • M8/3: Module 8 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M8/4: Module 8 Readings Quiz - ((All questions are based on the assigned reading for module 8, chapter 15 in the 1935 digital edition; or chapter 17 in the Shambhala edition)
    • M8/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources.
    • M8/6: Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M8/7: Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M8/8: Additional, Optional Video Resource

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The live course begins on Saturday, October 21st.

This course is an ideal resource for anyone who would like to better understand the impact of trauma and how to approach treatment from a Jungian perspective
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