Learn the core concepts of C.G. Jung's psychological theory

If you're interested in gaining a deeper understanding of classical Jungian psychology, then look no further!

Jung's writings often challenge his readers in many ways. This course will guide you step-by-step through the core principles, methods, and terms of Jung’s psychology. What distinguishes Jung’s psychology from other depth psychologies is Jung’s assertion that the deep unconscious of every human being is structured in a similar way. These deep structures steward psychological energy through both the conscious and unconscious aspects of personality. Through the eight modules of this course Dr. James Newell will introduce you to the essentials of Jungian thought in a way that will make his ideas accessible and easy to understand.
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Your Instructor

  • James R. Newell, Ph.D.

    Senior Instructor

    James R. Newell, Ph.D.

    James Newell is an educator, counselor, personal coach, professional musician, and the director of the Depth Psychology Alliance. James earned his master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling and Theology from Vanderbilt University Divinity School, with a focus on Jungian psychology. He earned his doctorate in History of Religions from the Vanderbilt University Graduate School of Religion. James has taught online and face to face courses for Central Michigan University, Western Kentucky University, Excelsior College, Thomas Edison State University, and other institutions.

What others are saying...

Bonnie Bright, PhD, founder of the Depth Psychology Alliance

Dr. James Newell is a gifted teacher

Bonnie Bright, PhD, founder of the Depth Psychology Alliance

Dr. James Newell is a gifted teacher and scholar who has effectively organized an impressive amount of detailed research and information into a series of powerful classes and courses on Jung and Jung’s psychology, now available on Depth Psychology Academy. Students at all levels can gain a depth of understanding about how Jung’s ideas can change our lives and our world as Dr. Newell explains each topic very clearly and at exactly the right pace for students of all levels to take it in.
Monica Flores, Ed.D

Jung 101 gave me a deeper understanding of Jung’s theory

Monica Flores, Ed.D

Jung 101: Introduction to Jungian Psychology gave me a deeper understanding of the history of Jung’s theory and of the Jungian perspective. From Jung’s early influences to learning how Jung himself was developing a unique way of understanding Self, man/woman, and their symbols, I gained an understanding of a number of Jungian terms and concepts.
Ann Amberg, MCS, Transpersonal Leadership Consultant

James is a knowledgeable and caring instructor with an engaging teaching style

Ann Amberg, MCS, Transpersonal Leadership Consultant

I highly recommend Dr. James Newell’s courses. Upon completion of my certificate in Depth Psychology I had gained the confidence, focus and knowledge to support my success in my current PhD program in Jungian and Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute. James is a knowledgeable and caring instructor with an engaging teaching style. All of the Depth Psychology Alliance courses I took: Introduction to Jungian Psychology, Active Imagination, Fairy Tales, Dreams, and many more, were phenomenal and I am most grateful for the opportunity to study with James.
Nirlap Bettenhauser, student

The courses I have taken with Dr. Newell have perfectly prepped me for my graduate studies in psychoanalysis

Nirlap Bettenhauser, student

This is an outstanding educational program where one can learn multiple areas of Jungian Psychology. These courses are very well structured with an appropriate course load and high quality texts. Plus the price is incredibly reasonable. The courses I have taken with Dr. Newell have been intellectually engaging and have perfectly prepped me for my graduate studies in psychoanalysis. Not something I expected to receive from the academy, but very grateful I did.

Jung 101 will guide you step-by-step through the basics of Jung's theory

There is no easier way to become grounded in the innovative theory of Carl Jung. This college-level course will make this otherwise complex theory easy to understand.

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Course curriculum

  • 2
    Module 1: The Ego and the Unconscious
    • M1/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M1/2: Video Lesson: The Ego and the Unconscious
    • M1/3: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M1/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 1 in the textbook)
    • M1/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M1/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
  • 3
    Module 2: The Complexes
    • M2/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M2/2: Video Lesson: The Complexes
    • M2/3: Video Quiz
    • M2/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 2 in the textbook)
    • M2/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M2/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M2/7: Additional, Optional Video Resource: James Hollis on Complexes
  • 4
    Module 3: Psychic Energy
    • M3/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M3/2: Video Lesson: Jung's Understanding of Psychic (Psychological) Energy.
    • M3/3: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M3/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 3 in the textbook)
    • M3/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources.
    • M3/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M3/7: Additional, Optional Video Resource: Carl Jung - BBC Interview - 1959
  • 5
    Module 4: Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
    • M4/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M4/2: Video Lesson: Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
    • M4/3: Video Lesson Quiz
    • M4/4: Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 4 in the textbook)
    • M4/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M4/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M4/7: Additional, Optional Video Resource: A Discussion of Archetypes
  • 6
    Module 5: The Persona and the Shadow
    • M5/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M5/2: Video Lesson: The Persona and the Shadow
    • M5/3: Module 5 Video Quiz
    • M5/4: Module 5 Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 5 in the textbook)
    • M5/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M5/6: Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M5/7: Additional, Optional Video Resources: James Hollis on Projection, and on the Shadow
  • 7
    Module 6: The Anima and the Animus
    • M6/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M6/2: Video Lesson: The Anima and the Animus
    • M6/3: Module 6 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M6/4: Module 6 Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 6 in the textbook)
    • M6/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M6/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
  • 8
    Module 7: The Archetype of the Self
    • M7/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M7/2: Module 7 Video Lesson: The Archetype of the Self
    • M7/3: Module 7 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M7/4: Module 7 Readings Quiz (All questions are based on chapter 7 in the textbook).
    • M7/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources
    • M7/6: An Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M7/7: Additional, Optional Video Resource: Edward Edinger on the Archetype of the Self
  • 9
    Module 8: Individuation and the Ego-Self Axis
    • M8/1: Learning and Assessment Activities
    • M8/2: Module 8 Video Lesson: Individuation and the Ego-Self Axis
    • M8/3: Module 8 Video Lesson Quiz
    • M8/4: Module 8 Readings Quiz - (All questions are based on chapter 8 in the textbook)
    • M8/5: Suggested Readings and Additional Resources.
    • M8/6: Additional, Optional Resource for Study
    • M8/7: Additional, Optional Video Resource: Edward Edinger on Individuation

Enroll now and become fluent in the terms and concepts of Jung's theory

There is no time like the present to gain deeper insights into the structure and dynamics of the unconscious as articulated by C.G. Jung.

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